Attracting Young Talent to the CRE Industry
Attracting Young Talent

Attracting Young Talent to the CRE Industry

3 years ago 0 0 1319

Check-out my recent conversation with CRE recruiter, David Poline of Poline Associates regarding future talent within our industry:

What started off as a legacy hiring topic evolved into a conversation about exposure and education. Here are a few highlights.

While it’s still a “who you know” business, we believe the best way to have a diverse and qualified talent pool is through exposure, education and connection.

Here’s how we can make an impact:

#1: Expose the young on CRE as a career

#2: Educate what it means to be in CRE (hard and soft skills)

#3: Provide opportunities (internships, jobs, scholarships)

If you are interested in establishing a scholarship, being a mentor/ambassador or contributing ideas on how to garner interest in CRE and equip students with valuable skills, reach out to either of us to discuss.

Stan Sonenshine  770.512.0496

David Poline 770.955.9306

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